Tuesday, July 27, 2021

The History of Rhetoric

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Aristotles Rhetoric

Over 00 years ago, Aristotle laid the groundwork for modern public communication. His teacher, Plato, hated the way that public speakers skillfully manipulated audiences with no apparent regard for truth. Plato saw little value for the mere rhetoric used by the fast-talking speakers of his day.

Aristotle, however, saw great potential in rhetoric (one person addressing many). He believed it was an art that could and should be studied and that good rhetoric was not only persuasive, but also ethical. He stated that all public presentations are some balance of three rhetorical proofs ethos (ethical), pathos (emotional), and logos (logical).

The ethos is the speaker and his or her character as revealed through the communication. The pathos is the audience and the emotions felt by them during the rhetoric. The logos is the actual words used by the speaker.

Although no presenter today would speak without considering the audience, Aristotles pathos was a novel idea in his time. He is the earliest record of a rhetorician identifying the audience and their perception as an important part of public speaking. In

fact, he believed that a speech was effective only if it stirred up emotions in its audience.

Rhetoric is the study of the strategies of using words to accomplish a purpose. The traditional purpose most rhetoricians have studied is how to persuade people to do or to think what the speaker or writer wishes. Sometimes rhetoric has a slightly smelly reputation because people can (and do, all the time) use good rhetorical principles to

persuade the ignorant or the unwary of things which are against their best interests. Rhetoric is value neutral - that is, using the principles of rhetoric is neither moral nor immoral. If persuasion means to convince someone else that your interests and his interests are the same thing, then moral persuasion is when it is true that both your interests are the same. Immoral persuasion is when it is not true that your interests are the same, and to persuade him is to lie to him. Socrates hated the whole idea of rhetoric because it did not deal with the moral question. As an adult in a democracy,

you must be responsible for your own moral decisions, but there is no doubt that the principles of rhetoric are very powerful tools for people who master them, not to mention that they are necessary for success in the worlds of business and industry.

In the Western world, rhetoric is the very oldest school subject. Its first teacher was a man named Tisias who lived just before Socrates time in Athens. It was originally training in how to accuse others of wrongdoing in the public forum or how to defend yourself against accusations of others in the same place. Because there were no lawyers in ancient Athens, people had to argue for justice for themselves and, thus, had to be good public speakers.

There were five major parts to the study of rhetoric invention (the systematic discovery of ideas for speaking or writing), arrangement (that is, organization), style, memory (how to memorize in the age before writing was common), and delivery (covered in speech classes these days). Now all of these parts are taught in school except memory, which

has, in this sense, been replaced by writing. You will recognize some of the similarities in what is taught in freshman English and in public speaking. Some principles of rhetoric are also taught in courses like government, history, and economics as well.

Over the centuries rhetoric has been used to train the leaders of countless generations in how to persuade people. In Rome, young men studied how to be good citizens by taking the responsibility of debating public issues. In the middle ages, rhetoric became the specialized study of how to preach the Gospel. In the eighteenth century, it became the

cornerstone of training for the leaders of society who developed the foundations for democracy in the modern world. Now it is often used to convince elderly people that they should buy magazines to improve their chances of winning clearing house sweepstakes - and to convince our society that all people deserve basic rights -- and to argue about who

has the right to use publicly-held water for farming or industrial purposes. To know rhetoric is to possess a powerful skill; NOT to know rhetoric is to make yourself vulnerable to hucksters.

The rhetorical square is a useful device for reminding ourselves of the relationships among an authors purpose, his audiences interests, the impression he wishes to make, and the content of a piece of writing. If any of the elements of the square change, all must change.

The purpose is what the writer wants to accomplish by the piece of writing. The audience is who the writing is addressed to. Writers are wise to analyze who their audience is and what attitudes and previous knowledge that audience has with respect to their subjects.

The persona is the impression the writer makes of himself in the piece of writing. That impression is implicit in every decision a writer makes, from the words he uses to the kind of paper he types it on.

The content of the writing is what the writer says about the subject.

Example Suppose you want to improve late registration at Del Mar College. You have studied late registration at several colleges in Texas and have discovered that, without purchasing any new computer hardware, a set of computer programs can be custom tailored to Del Mar College which would reduce the hassles of late registration for everybody involved. But it would take about $15,000 in programming costs to put the system in place.

You write a letter to the Vice President of Academic Services and the College Registrar to suggest that the College spend $15,000 to pursue your idea. You will want to make the impression that you are a reasonable, businesslike adult with the Colleges best interests at heart. You will print your letter with a laser printer on good paper (rather than a nine-pin dot matrix on pin-feed paper with the printer set on draft. You will choose the facts and explanations which will convince an audience of serious professionals who, after all, want very much to please the Colleges customers which include not only students but the taxpayers of Corpus Christi and the state of Texas. You will leave out personal grudges as irrelevant.

You do a great job of balancing the parts of the rhetorical square. You receive a reply that the budget this year contains about $10,000 which could be used for this purpose, but that, in order to have the system ready for fall registration, the other $5000 would have to be raised some other way. You decide to use the Student Government Association to raise these funds in their spring carnival. You have to convince the SGA to dedicate its efforts to your cause. The same arguments you used to the Registrar wont work. You must produce a piece of writing that gives the impression that you are one of the guys. You must use reasons that appeal to the self-interests of ordinary students. You wont be heavy on the details of precisely what the programming must contain - the students dont know or care - but you will emphasize their savings in time and frustration. The words you choose and the subject matter you emphasize will shift. This principle - that all the elements of the rhetorical square shift when any of them shift - is what the rhetorical square is meant to be a reminder of.

Good writers habitually analyze the four elements of the rhetorical square (whether they use the device to remind themselves or not) during the writing process. Learning how to make an appropriate fit among the elements is necessary for successful writing.

A Brief Overview of Rhetoric

by Joseph Petraglia-Bahri

Rhetoric is arguably one of the oldest disciplines in the world. Its earliest antecedent can be found in the sophist tradition of Classical Greece. Two of the earliest sophists, Tisias and Corax, made a comfortable living traveling around Hellenic Europe teaching people the finer points of oratory. The sophistic tradition was harshly criticized by major philosophers of the time (most notably, Socrates and Plato) as an unintellectual and immoral profession. In Platos view, rhetoricians (i.e., sophists) were more concerned with appearances rather than substance--in Platos play Gorgias, he has the character of Socrates accuse the rhetorician/sophist Gorgias of specializing in making the bad case seem best and the best case seem bad.

Although Plato certainly felt that clear expression was important, sophists such as the real Gorgias thought that rhetoric played a much greater role in human affairs. Basically, the difference between these views lie in the area of epistemology, or the study of knowledge. If one adopted Platos foundationalism (the belief that genuine knowledge corresponds to a fixed truth) using language persuasively could naturally lead the listener away from the truth. But if one shared Gorgias antifoundationalist belief that nothing actually exists. . .but even if it did, it would be incomprehensible to man... but that, even if anything were to be comprehended, it could not be articulated and communicated to others persuasion was not so much misleading as a way for society to come to consensual knowledge. Still other sophists, such as Gorgias student Isocrates, believed the learning of rhetoric had a strong democratizing and civilizing effect. In his

emphasis on eloquence and well-spokenness, Isocrates represents another aspect of rhetoric that we continue to associate with rhetorical training to this day.

Even a quick synopsis of Greek rhetoric would be woefully incomplete if it neglected one of rhetorics most illustrious theoreticians Aristotle. Aristotle, a student of Plato, did more than any of the sophists to codify rhetoric into a rational system of argument and

presentation. It is from Aristotle that we get the distinction of syllogistic (formal) reasoning from ethymemic (i.e., informal) reasoning, and the well-known division of rhetorical proofs into those which are logical (logos), those which appeal to the emotions (pathos) and those which get their strength from the credibility of the speaker (ethos). Aristotle is also credited with development of the topoi -- or topics -- that a rhetor could use to discover an argument. More than any other individual, perhaps, Aristotle gave rhetoric a quasi-scientific basis and connected the study of persuasion to other arts and sciences.

Rhetorics centrality to education survived the eclipse of Greek power by the Romans, and as with so many other arts and sciences, the Romans took the rhetorican

tradition and made it their own. Like the Greeks, the Roman education system centered on, and expanded, the practice of declamation -- a sort of speech-making class

in which young men were assigned often fanciful topics and instructed to give an appropriate speech. Perhaps Romes greatest rhetorician was Marcus Tullius Cicero.

While, relative to Aristotle, little rhetorical theory actually originated with Cicero, he elaborated and developed several central ideas and is widely reputed to be the most

widely read rhetorician of the Classical period. Chief among Ciceros contributions to rhetoric are his treatment of the canons of rhetoric (i.e., invention, arrangement,

style, memory, and delivery) and his rethinking of kairos (the occasions on which rhetoric is appropriately deployed), and stasis theory (a system for determining the

issue upon which an argument rests). And although less famous than Cicero, Quintilian is another influential Roman rhetorician who did much to synthesize the best of

the Greek and Roman traditions.

The Fall of Rome and the onset of the Christian Era in Europe posed a set of unique problems for rhetoric, tainted, as it was, with its roots in pagan Greek and Roman education. Another factor in rhetorics decline was that, historically, when the foundations of knowledge are weakest, the power of persuasion is most appreciated (as in the Greek experiment with democracy) but that the need for skilled argumentation is least pronounced when a higher authority is most stable, and Christianity provided the ultimate in higher authorities the word of God as revealed in scripture. Rhetoric as a discipline owed its survival to one of the most central figure of that era --

St.Augustine. Augustines chief rhetorical work was De Doctrina Christiana in which he argued that even though Christians need not adopt the sophistic notion of persuasion, eloquence was still needed to make the Bibles teachings effective.

Traditionally the study of speech rather than texts, with the onset of wider literacy rhetoric became more closely associated with the written word. Students were still required to study grammar, letter-writing (or epistolary) and courtly expression, but as the writings of many of the Greek and Roman rhetorical scholars were lost to the Middle Ages, rhetoric continued to lose its intellectual edge. Despite Augustines efforts, the study of rhetoric and rhetorical theory suffered through a long period of benign neglect. Although rhetoric was still part of the curriculum it was essentially an impoverished and, often, trivial discipline limited to the study of tropes or figures of speech. A person who did much to keep rhetoric pushed to the margins was the educational reformer Peter Ramus who decided that the traditional canons of rhetoric should be divided between dialectic (i.e., logic) and a modified version of rhetoric consisting largely of style and delivery.

The Age of Enlightenment, drawing its inspiration from Descartes rationalism (another sort of foundation for knowledge), did little to revive rhetorics fortunes, although

the rise of sciences during this period also ushered in a desire for clarity. Thus, the study of rhetoric turned away from the study of ornamentation and towards issues of

correctness and the avoidance of fallacies although it remained a body of technical skills. Still, it is during the Enlightenment that rhetoric found an advocate who tried to

re-establish rhetorics epistemological dimension and its general importance to science as well as to humanities Giambattista Vico. But just as Augustine was unable to really pull rhetoric out of the restrictive box religion had put it in, Vico was unsuccessful in saving rhetoric from the new religion of scientific reason. From Vicos era to our own century, rhetoric remained an important study, but one largely confined to issues of oral and written style and presentation. Of course, great rhetorical thinkers came along from time to time (Nietzsche, for instance, drew attention to the enormous role metaphors played in our lives) and the connections between rhetoric and psychology began to be explored, but it is clear that strongbeliefs in scientific methods left little room for a respectable conception of persuasion. One curricular development occured during this period, however, that has had a lasting impact on the discipline. In the latter half of the nineteenth century, Harvard University mandated that all students should learn the fundamentals of basic written English. With this decree, what we now call composition was essentially made synonymous with rhetoric. Although freshman writing courses often deal very little with rhetorical theory, composition, along with speech communications, have nonetheless provided an academic home for scholars interested in rhetoric. Composition has also provided a space for a renewed appreciation for the women rhetoricians whose contributions to rhetorical theory from the Hellenistic period on continue to be uncovered.

We can end this brief overview of rhetoric on a high note. The twentieth century is perhaps the most exciting era in which to study rhetoric since the Classical Era. This has come about with the advent of what is generally referred to as the New Rhetoric the

rediscovery of rhetorics epistemological importance and the centrality of persuasion and argument to our everyday lives. It is impossible to list all the reasons for this new-found prominence or all the contributors to the New Rhetoric, but among the most influential we must certainly count I.A. Richards, whose work on metaphor linked rhetoric to literary studies, Chaim Perelman, whose book The New Rhetoric is now a classic, Steven Toulmin, best known for his analysis of argument, and perhaps the most influential rhetorician of our era, Kenneth Burke. And among current rhetorical topics that are attracting the most attention, we might identify the study of how electronic environments influence persuasion and communication and what is called the rhetoric of inquiry movement. This movement uses rhetorical theories to examine the workings of sciences, social sciences and humanities in an effort to understand how language practices create and further what we accept to be true about the world. In this way, then, we can see that rhetoric has returned full circle to the epistemological issues that gave it its initial


Rhetorical Figures

Stephen Toulmin is one of the modern day leaders of rhetorical theory. He did not start out as a rhetorician though. He was born in London, England in 1. He

received a Bachelor of Arts degree in mathematics and natural sciences from Kings College in 14. Later he received his Masters of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy

degrees from Cambridge. He has spent much of his life teaching at various universities around the United States. Toulmin has written several books. The most

important of these works to the field of rhetoric is his book entitled The Uses of Argument. In this book he lays out a structural model by which rhetorical arguments

can be analyzed..

Stephen Toulmins layout of an argument consists of six elements. The first element is the claim. The claim of the argument is the conclusion that someone is trying to justify in the argument. The second element is the grounds. The grounds of an argument are the facts on which the argument is based. The third element of the argument is the warrant. The warrant of the argument assesses whether or not the claim is legitimate based on the grounds. The fourth element is the backing. The backing of the argument gives additional support for a warrant by answering different questions. The modal qualifier is the fifth element of the argument. The modal qualifier indicates the strength of the leap from the data to the warrant. The sixth and final element of the argument is the rebuttal. The rebuttal occurs when the leap from grounds to claim does not appear to be legitimate..

By creating this model for argument, Toulmin contradicted what philosophers have believed for centuries. For centuries, philosophers have believed that arguments can

either be explained by relative means or by absolute means. Using either of these methods according to Toulmin is irrational to the modern argument. First of all,

Toulmin claims that by using a relative method, no standards for the claims are made because the analyis of the argument is only relative to that particular argument. On

the other hand, absolutism or foundationalism is irrelevant in the modern era according to Toulmin also. He claims absolutism is irrelevant for several reasons. First of if

all is the fact that this absolute logic is based in mathematics and geometry. Therefore the concepts which are contained in them are field dependent. Because of this

fact, Toulmin argues that there is no room for these viewpoints in other areas of logic. Another problem that Toulmin has with absolutism has to do with the fact that

answers are either correct or incorrect. Toulmin believes that there is a definite gray area in some arguments that doesnt allow for this absolutism. The overall problem

that Toulmin has with absolutism is that its rules are so strict that it just doesnt apply to modern reasoning..

Another important belief of Toulmin is his evolutionary theory of rationality. Toulmin believes that ideas are constantly being created. He believes that these ideas are

also constantly being argued over and the person who wins the argument persuades others of his beliefs. In this way, new ideas are constantly being evolved. This

concept is the most directly applicable theory to rhetoric that Toulmin has. After understanding this theory, it is no wonder why rhetoricians cherish the work of Stephen

Toulmin. It is Toulmins interpretive nature of his concepts coupled with his strong emphasis on persuasion that lend itself so well to rhetoric.

Kenneth Burke was born on May 5, 187 in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. He just recently passed away at the age of ninety-six in 1. He is a very important rhetorician

and has many significant views on several rhetorical ideas such as the nature of rhetoric, dramatism, and the negative to name a few.

Burke defines rhetoric as the use of words by human agents to form attitudes or to induce actions in other human agents. This definition seems close to the traditional

definitions of rhetoric. However, he presents more characteristics of rhetoric that broadens his definition beyond that of the traditional ones. Some of these

characteristics are identification, the functions of rhetoric, and the rhetorical audience.

Burkes main addition to the definition is rooted in his thoughts on identification. We identify ourselves through several different properties or substances, including

physical objects, friends, relatives, occupations, and morals. As we identify with these different properties, we share substance with them. This association is described

by the word consubstantial. As two items are united in substance by a common idea, they are consubstantial. Two actors may be totally different in style, but are

consubstantial in that they share the substance of being actors.

Burke uses the term identification synonymously with consubstantiality. Shared substance establishes an identification between an individual and some property or

person. He also groups persuasion, the key term for rhetoric, with identification and consubstantiality; he sees identification as a supplement to the traditional view of

rhetoric as persuasion.

Burke sees rhetoric as having many functions, one of them being the naming or defining of situations for individuals. For example, calling a person your friend is saying

that the person agrees with you on qualities that you find important in different situations. Not only does rhetoric provide a name for a situation, it also gives a creative

strategy for handling the situation. Essentially, it guides us through life, showing us which directions to follow and making us feel more comfortable in this modern world.

It may provide a vocabulary of feelings, actions, and thoughts for codifying and therefore interpreting the situation. Each rhetorical act is an answer to a situation.

Burke has a unique view on audience.Rhetoric addresses an audience, whether it be real or ideal. Burke, however, believes that one can be his own audience. He says

that a man can be his own audience, insofar as he, even in his secret thoughts cultivates certain ideas or images for the effect he hopes they may have upon him.

Dramatism is the way Burke chooses to study human motivation through the analysis of drama. He has developed a method of analysis, called the pentad. It is an

essential instrument designed to breakdown statements of motives to the simplest level. Burke says five terms constitute the pentad act, agent, agency, scene, and

purpose. An example of these five terms in a story is this The hero (agent) with the help of a friend (co-agent) outwits the villain (counter-agent) by using a file

(agency) that enables him to break his bonds (act) in order to escape (purpose) from the room where he has been confined (scene).

Burke sees act as being any intended action. Teaching a class, playing a game, or acting in a play are all symbolic actions that can be studied in terms of their rhetors

motivations. Scene is the area/location, time period, or situation in which the action takes place, basically the whole environment. The agent is who performs the act.

Agency is how the act was carried out or what tools were used to help. The purpose is the agents real reason for doing the act. Burke later decided to sometimes

include attitude as a sixth element to be considered in motivation. Attitude is the manner in which the act was carried out.

Burkes pentad is a simple way for the critic to name the elements in the act and then study the relationships between these elements.

Burke has very strong views on the negative; he says there is no negative. It does not exist. Humans invented the negative along with language. Everything simply is

what it is and as it is. The only way something can not be something, is if it is something else. An apple for example, is an apple; in no way can it be not an apple. If it is

not an apple, then it must be an orange, or tomato or whatever it actually is.

The New Rhetoric

The definition of New Rhetoric is obscured by many different interpretations and opinions on the subject. Instead of determining the better of all the definitions New

Rhetoric tries to combine all of the different ones and draw from their differences. In dealing with rhetoric it is no longer sufficient to deal only with what a rhetor

communicates, but rhetoric is expanded to include how information is communicated and the social aspects of communication.

Though communication depends on a system of symbols, be they oral or written, it takes more than these symbols to communicate. Words, phrases, and sentences have

direct and literal meanings, but in many cases these are not enough to determine what the speaker or writer is trying to convey. Communication is highly intention,

context, and convention dependent. One sentence or phrase can be taken to mean totally different things. It is remarkable that the listener can understand what is being

conveyed to them most of the time. The audience can dissect an utterance and determine its meaning by using their previous knowledge of the culture, the intentions of

the author and the situation of the text. Many of the different regional idiosyncrancies in language are not discernible without prior knowledge of the culture and its

conventions. If one was to ask Can you reach the salt? they are not asking if you have the ability to reach the salt, instead they are asking for you to pass the salt. This

would not be obvious to someone who was not familiar with the culture, or did not understand the intentions of the speaker. Intention plays a great role in

communication. It has been proven that a large majority of people can understand a sentence or phrase even if it contains a lot of grammatical errors or poor word

choice. This is due largely to the fact that the audience understands the intentions of the speaker and can predict what they mean, even if it is not communicated that

well. Situation plays on of the largest roles in understanding language. Words have numerous meanings and without some understanding of context it would be easy for

the audience to understand a phrase in a different way then intended. These ideas that are found in New Rhetoric are new to the field of rhetoric and seem to imply

some sort of injection of philosophy into the study of communication.

New Rhetoric is considered by many to be parallel to sociology. Not only does it deal with how information is understood, but also the social implications that induced a

text and how the text influences society. Instead of studying old rhetorical works for content or structure, New Rhetoricians are now trying to understand what was

happening in the time the text was authored that brought it about and what affect the text had on the society. Through rhetorical texts of the past and present we are

better able to determine how a society functioned and learn about its culture. This is not only due to the exact content of the text but can also be determined from the

tone and implications of the piece. Text is not just an indicator of society but it can also mold society and through the study of the time period and author of a text we

can better understand how the text affected the society and what brought the author to write it. Rhetoric is breaking away from its previous humanists ties of studying

text for their beauty or content and are now using it as a tool to decipher information about society.

The old rhetoric dealt primarily with the structure and content of an essay or presentation. In pedagogy it was a tool to teach students how to write good essays, and in

other areas it was a tool for persuasion. With New Rhetoric, rhetoric is given new bounds. It now encompasses philosophy and sociology. It is no longer how to write a

good essay or give a good speech, but how we understand communication and its affects on our lives. Rhetoric is no longer a basic humanist study of structure and

content but a study on how and why we communicate and what we can learn from the methods of communication.

The Three Eras of Communication

Walter J. Ong and Eric A. Havelock divide eras of communication into three parts. The first, primary orality, is prior to the first written Greek alphabet. The second,

literacy, moves through the first alphabet to the printing press. The third stage is considered secondary orality and begins with the invention of the telegraph and

continues through present day technology. Each of these three parts build on each other and are cumulative rather than exclusive. Regardless of which medium is

chosen, primary orality, literacy, and secondary orality will exist in each one; they will inform one another, infuse one another, and create one another (Welch 764). This

is very important to understand in order to realize how todays new ways of electronic communication are changing our contemporary view of communication.

Secondary Orality

The Internet, the telephone and the television each have a way of eliminating the normal constraints of time and distance. Information is at your fingertips, a friend is just

a phone call away, and the world is brought into your living room by a 0 inch screen. In this, the Information Age, the world has gone from printed texts to the

telegraph, the telephone, the radio, the television and now the internet, all with in the last 150 years. Each new medium has its own benefits and limitations.

Film and Televison

Film and Television combine sounds and pictures in order to transmit an idea. Mastering this art form of communicating that is as continually changing as our society is

changing. Advertisers and producers are constantly trying new forms of persuasion either to watch their show, buy their product or believe their ideas. The ethos, logos,

and pathos of television and film is different than that of conventional speech or written text. This requires an entirely new way of expressing ideas and using rhetoric. It

has allowed many new persuasive ideas to be spread across the world. Like a book is limited to finding a publisher, it is limited to finding a producer or network to be

shown on.

The Internet

The Internet is a vast network of computers throughout the world. It combines many different forms of communications. As the technology advances it could replace all

other forms of communication by combining them into one. Magazines and newspapers are already being put online along with libraries, art, and research. Unlike most

forms of communication it allows anyone with access to have his/her ideas and work displayed. A group does not need to convince a major publishing house of its

importance or saleablity it can use electronic mail and diskettes to disseminate its material (Bolter 78). This is even more true with the invention of the world wide

web. The world wide web is the multimedia part of the internet and combines text with sound, photos, drawings, charts, graphs, animation, and even video. It allows the

authors to link their page with others. This creates a choose your own adventure multimedia interactive document. New innovations such as Java, a world wide web

programming language, allows simple tasks to be performed inside the document. The more widespread the internet becomes the more important and powerful type of

communication it will become.


Cyberspace is a concept that builds on the belief that there is some kind of actual space behind the screen. It is some place you cant see but you know is there

(Gibson). An alternate world of infinite communication possibilities. This is the virtual reality created by the internet and other forms of electronic communication. Due to

the power of the rhetoric on television or on a movie, the audience feels like they actually know the characters or are part of the story. This is also found in books but no

to the extent because the reader cannot actually see the characters. With the internet the reader or viewer is free to choose his/her own story line. They can create

their own virtual newspaper or magazine. If they see a topic of interest it is just a click away. This makes rhetoric very important in order to persuade the viewer to look

at their web document instead of someone elses.

Mastering the art of electronic communication will, like mastering traditional communication, be a goal that mankind will never achieve. Its unique style and vast

possibilities will allow it to captivate the human mind of the 1st century like books have in centuries past.

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Monday, July 26, 2021

Total Quality Management

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Total quality management is a process that improves overall organizational productivity and quality. TQM empowers employees to actively participate in the improvement of quality. Quality and productivity teams are created, training budgets are allocated and statistical techniques are used to assist in identifying defects and carrying out preventive actions. Moreover, TQM stresses coordination between different departments in an organization. The concept of TQM generally applies to manufacturing organizations.

This paper outlines the principles of TQM and emphasizes the leadership attributes that are essential in implementing TQM in the organization.

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In today's competitive business environment, companies are being challenged to improve performance by continuously improving processes, cutting costs and increasing output. These changes mean going beyond the traditional management systems and creating a culture of continuous improvement with a strong focus towards customers. TQM is a process and a way of thinking and executing for the present and the future. Focus on TQM guides a company to understand customer requirements and do things right the first time. TQM engages all divisions, departments and levels of the organization. Top management organizes all of its strategy and operations around customer needs and develops a culture with high employee participation. The goal is to deliver the highest value for the customer at the lowest cost while achieving sustained profit and economic stability for the company. Top management must define the vision and then train its employees towards a common mission. To do this, cross-functional teams work on improvements that respond to customer requirements.

TQM alters the way a company thinks about work and all of its relationships as it impacts every function, system and person connected with the company. TQM is a continuous journey towards excellence.


1.1.1 Definition of Quality Management Principle

A comprehensive and fundamental rule or belief, for leading and operating an organization, aimed at continually improving performance over the long term by focusing on customers while addressing the needs of all stakeholders.

1.1. The Quality Management Principles

With growing global competition, Quality Management is becoming increasingly important to the leadership and management of all organizations. Quality Management principles provide understanding of and guidance on the application of Quality management. By applying following eight Quality Management Principles, organizations will produce benefits for customers, owners, people, suppliers and society at large. [APQC]

Principle 1 - Customer-Focused Organization

Organizations depend on their customers and therefore should understand current and future customer needs, meet customer requirements, and strive to exceed customer expectations.

Principle - Leadership

Leaders establish unity of purpose and direction of organization. They should create and maintain the internal environment in which people can become fully involved in achieving the organizations objectives.

Principle - Involvement of People

People at all levels are the essence of an organization and their full involvement enables their abilities to be used for the organizations benefit.

Principle 4 - Process Approach

A desired result is achieved more efficiently when related resources and activities are managed as a process.

Principle 5 - System Approach to Management

Identifying, understanding, and managing a system of interrelated processes for a given objective improves the organizations effectiveness and efficiency.

Principle 6 - Continual Improvement

Continual improvement should be a permanent objective of the organization.

Principle 7 - Factual Approach to Decision Making

Effective decisions and actions are based on the analysis of data and information.

Principle 8 - Mutually Beneficial Supplier Relationships

An organization and its suppliers are independent, and a mutually beneficial relationship enhances the ability to create value.

1. Condensation of the 14 Points for Management

The following is excerpted from Chapter of Out of the Crisis by W. Edwards Deming.

1. Create constancy of purpose toward improvement of product and service, with the aim to become competitive and to stay in business, and to provide jobs.

. Adopt the new philosophy. We are in a new economic age. Western management must awaken to the challenge, must learn their responsibilities, and take on leadership for change.

. Cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality. Eliminate the need for inspection on a mass basis by building quality into the product in the first place.

4. End the practice of awarding business on the basis of price tag. Instead, minimize total cost. Move toward a single supplier for any one item, on a long-term relationship of loyalty and trust.

5. Improve constantly and forever the system of production and service, to improve quality and productivity, and thus constantly decrease costs.

6. Institute training on the job.

7. Institute leadership. The aim of supervision should be to help people and machines and gadgets to do a better job. Supervision of management is in need of overhaul as well as supervision of production workers.

8. Drive out fear, so that everyone may work effectively for the company.

. Break down barriers between departments. People in research, design, sales, and production must work as a team, to foresee problems of production and in use that may be encountered with the product or service.

10. Eliminate slogans, exhortations, and targets for the work force asking for zero defects and new levels of productivity. Such exhortations only create adversarial relationships, as the bulk of the causes of low quality and low productivity belong to the system and thus lie beyond the power of the work force.

11. a. Eliminate work standards (quotas) on the factory floor. Substitute leadership.

b. Eliminate management by objective. Eliminate management by numbers, numerical goals. Substitute leadership.

1. a. Remove barriers that rob the hourly worker of his right to pride of workmanship. The responsibility of supervisors must be changed from sheer numbers to quality.

b. Remove barriers that rob people in management and in engineering of their right to pride of workmanship. This means the abolishment of the annual merit rating and of management by objective.

1. Institute a vigorous program of education and self-improvement.

14. Put everybody in the company to work to accomplish the transformation. The transformation is everybodys job.

1. Total Quality Control

By definition, total quality control is a concept that empowers employees with the responsibility for achieving standards of quality. Total quality control concepts are generally applied in context to the organization as a whole.


TQM is based on a number of ideas. It means thinking about quality in terms of all functions of the enterprise and is a start?to?finish process that integrates interrelated functions at all levels. It is a systems approach that considers every interaction between the various elements of the organization. The overall effectiveness of the system is higher than the sum of the individual outputs from the subsystems. The subsystems include all the organizational functions in the life cycle of a product, such as

(1) Design

() Planning

() Production

(4) Distribution and

(5) Field service

The management subsystems also require integration, including

(1) Strategy with a customer focus,

() The tools of quality, and

() Employee involvement (the linking process that integrates the whole).

Some principles and practices of total quality management (TQM) may differ among firms and industries, but there is unanimous agreement as to the importance of leadership by top management in implementing TQM. Such leadership is a prerequisite to all strategy and action plans and it cannot be delegated. Those firms that have succeeded in making total quality work for them have been able to do so because of strong leadership. A U.S. General Accounting Office study concluded, Ultimately strong visionary leaders are the most important element of a quality management approach.


Companies that implement TQM focus their operations, their strategy and their employees towards understanding the customer, market segments and consequently get clues about the potential market share, resources needed for growth and how to satisfy market needs. TQM is an interactive methodology that combines statistical and technical processes along with human-management technology to make it a unique process. Companies would tend to run better and winning customers is facilitated. Institutional learning is captured through the development of high-performance and cross-functional teams. TQM evolves a process of continuous improvement along all organizational functions.

The TQM implementation model defines a conceptual framework as the organization strives to develop continuous-improvement processes. The individual components for this model, which are defined below, are inter-related and have to be adopted by each department concurrently or in some cases sequentially. All these factors are critical to achieve TQM commitment and successful implementation.

.1.1 Awareness

This principle dictates that the key customers need to be identified and the customer requirements form the baseline upon which a company organizes its resources and production. Companies that implement TQM focus their operations, their strategy and their employees towards understanding the customer, market segments and consequently get clues about the potential market share, resources needed for growth and how to satisfy market needs. TQM is an interactive methodology that combines statistical and technical processes along with human-management technology to make it a unique process. Companies would tend to run better and winning customers is facilitated. Institutional learning is captured through the development of high-performance and cross-functional teams. TQM evolves a process of continuous improvement along all organizational functions.

Identification of both external as well as internal customers is vital to the success of TQM. Companies that practice quality methods will create processes that link all the players in the customer chain.

There are many ways to increase the number of opportunities for productive interface with customers. The following are some examples of successful ways through which companies strengthen client relationships

· Conferences

· Customer product-design teams

· Problem solving groups

· Customer satisfaction surveys

· Pilot programs and test markets for new products

· Cross-training

.1. Assessment

Achieving considerable gains in the competitive marketplace, where TQM standards are already very high, demands an aggressive and strategic determination and follow-through in order to better equip managers and employees with the necessary training and tools necessary in a TQM setting.

Some of the assessment criteria used in the evaluation of company readiness are as summarized as follows

.1..1 TQM Organizational Readiness assessment

· The extent of senior management involvement

· Extent of productivity and quality planning integrated into the strategic planning process

· Productivity and quality culture

· Effectiveness of the productivity and quality system

· Effective communication among functional areas

· Measure of supplier partnerships

.1.. Human Resource Excellence assessment

· Extent to which employees are regarded as a strategic resource for competitive advantage

· Human resource development

· Participation of individuals in continuous process improvements

· Diversity of talents

· Workforce readiness

.1.. Productivity/Quality results

· Productivity and quality improvement gains

· Innovation and the speed with which new products are introduced

· Improvements in process capability

· Evidence of use of benchmarking to compare quality and productivity results.

.1..4 Customer Orientation and results

· Effective systems for determining customer requirements

· Importance of customer satisfaction

· Analyzing customer satisfaction trends

· Comparing customer satisfaction ratings with those of the competition and industry averages.

.1..5 Impact on community

· The economic impact of the quality and productivity improvement achievements on the community. The assessment factors include the number of jobs created, impact on tax base, increased productivity and quality of partners and reduced prices to consumers.

· Minimizing adverse effects on the environment

· Productivity and quality awareness in the community

.1. Preparation

A few key building blocks that are essential to prepare for the implementation of TQM in an organization are as follows

· Evaluating the how and why of the processes that are currently implemented

· Proceeding with an open mind, conducting brain storming sessions and being flexible to new ideas

· Conducting to the point and specific analysis of current problems

· Persistence in efforts to resolve problems

· Looking at problems from all angles and making notes of general ideas

.1.4 Action Plan

It is necessary to not only identify the potential problems and factors affecting implementation but to formaulte an action plan as well for the successful implementation of TQM. An action plan also serves the purpose of measuring progress towards the final objective. Some vital action steps are summarized as follows

· Review standards thoroughly and ensure that the objectives are completely understood by the employees.

· Identify and take action to reduce the gap between each employee's current performance and the expectations set by the new standards.

· Identify possible causes of anticipated performance such as lack of skills, knowledge, procedures, tools or a general lack of motiviation.

· Identify whether formalized training would be required on a group and individual level.

· Design and implement the training program.

· Improve working environment and adjust incentives, recognize achievements to increase motivation and drive to achieve the objectives.

.1.5 Training and Development

TQM success is dependant upon the improvement in people skills and work processes, how well people respond to problems and challenges, as well as on the quality of their decisions.

This requires a new role for the managers in an environment that has a shared responsibility for goal-setting, problem-solving, feedback and continuing development. One of the most effective methods for a manager to help create such an environment is by improving coaching skills, thereby paving the way for employee empowerment to take on more responsibility.

As companies adopt a flat hierarchy with managers having a larger span of control, the quality improvement team is the most powerful unit in ensuring successful operations. The process of forming teams and making them work in a result-oriented fashion requires key elements such as a clear definition of roles, skill development and a participative environment.

.1.6 Problem Solving Tools

The basis of employee empowerment and decision making is their ability ot identify and solve problems related to their work function or to improve a work process. Some of the problem solving stages and the required tools are summarized as follows

Stage 1

· Problem definition

· Establishing an improvement goal


· Brainstorming

· Flow charting


· Understanding the problem by collecting and analyzing data


· Check Sheet

· Cause-and-effect diagram

· Pareto Chart

· Scatter diagram

· Histogram


· Identify solutions

· Implement action plan


· Force field analysis

.1.7 Measurement

Meeting or exceeding customer requirements is the best measure of quality. Measurements provide the data of how successful a company is in fulfilling customer requirements and priority concerns such as

· Customer Satisfaction

· Financial Targets

· Market Strategies

· Process improvements

· Product/service features

· Quality and costs of poor quality

· Human resource development

.1.8 TQM Programs

Some of the programs that are employed in the industry to improve work processes and focus on the technology aspects of TQM are briefly summarized as follows

.1.8.1 Socio-Technical Systems (STS)

This concept is based on the work of Eric Trist, who studied the implementation of technology in British coal mines. His noticed increased productivity with employee participation in the design of changes. Implementation of STS in the industry aims to determine the relationships of social and technical systems with one another and how these systems are designed to address the external environment demands. Five factors that are required for a successful implementation of the STS program are as follows

· Examining each systems as a part of the larger organization.

· Defining the program based upon principles and effectively communicating these principles to all the employees.

· The STS process should not dictate improvements, rather all directly affected employees participate in the work process improvement.

· Work should be designed to add value to the process.

· Program should be designed towards ideal solutions.

.1.8. Statistical Process Control (SPC)

SPC is a method of establishing and responding to control limits for a process. The overall objective is to ensure conformance to the specifications, eliminating variations and control the processes within established tolerances. This program may be used in both a service and production environment. Work outputs are recorded graphically and once the trends have been identified, the standards could be made more stringent or corrective action may be taken to improve work process.

.1.8. Just-in-Time (JIT) inventory Control

The basic premise of the JIT method is to produce to the exact demand, work towards continuous improvement and to eliminate and minimize waste. This principle identifies people as the source of quality and productivity. Some of the key components of the JIT program include improvement teams, vendor and business partner relations and quality of the product at the source approach.

For JIT to be successful, the process demands a strong leadership from the top management. The following enabling factors are an integral part of the JIT implementation

· Strong Leadership

· Steering committee/ Project leader for the liaison

· Briefings/ regular updates

· Planning

· Team participation and

· Employee training

.1.8.4 International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 000

The ISO 000 Quality Management and quality assurance system is based on the premise that a high quality production and management system will assure the desired level of quality and that an external assessment provided through third party auditors will provide the most effective and impartial method of certification. The ISO 000 standards are as follows

ISO 000 Gives guidelines on the selection of quality assurance and quality management systems.

ISO 001 Establishes the model for quality assurance in design, development, production, installation and servicing.

ISO 00 Defines a model for quality assurance in production and installation.

ISO 00 Establishes a model for final inspection and testing.


Total Quality Leadership is an approach to management that focuses on giving top value to customers by building excellence into every aspect of the organization. Creating an environment that allows and encourages everyone to contribute to the organization and by developing the skills that enable them to scientifically study and constantly improve every process by which work is accomplished does this. In all organizations there are processes by which things get done. There are processes of production, of sales and of distribution. There are also processes to find out about customer needs and problems. There are processes that couple market information with information on new technologies. These in turn generate ideas for new products and services. Other processes create and test these new products and services and move them into routine production. Still other processes study costs and value added throughout the organization. There are literally thousands and thousands of processes, the overall health of which determines the future of the enterprise.

The focus in Total Quality Leadership is on quality--the quality of every product and service and the quality of every process.

To achieve this higher quality, every process, beginning with the most important, is studied using the Scientific Approach. Processes are described with flow charts, problems are identified, the root causes of problems are determined through careful research and new fool-proofed systems are developed. Every process is brought under statistical control and variations are further reduced, well beyond specifications.


Total Quality Leadership is a management philosophy that starts with the customer, not with the bottom line profit and loss statement.

It is very data oriented and calls for monitoring thousands of variables inside and outside the organization. These numerical measures are used to guide the search for better performance, and are recognized as means rather than ends, as guides to deeper truths, rather than items to be controlled.

In Total Quality Leadership there is freedom, yet there is control. There is the freedom to discover new markets, to develop new systems, to gain greater mastery over the processes. And there is the control of a data based approach to improvement.

When quality is increased by improving processes (not by expanded inspection), the better quality will lead to improved productivity. This leads to lower costs, which lead to lower prices. Better quality and lower prices mean the company can expand its market, and can stay in business creating jobs and a greater return on investment.

Management by Results, on the other hand, tends to focus only on the end result--the return on investment; it is like wagging the tail to keep a dog healthy.

It is a tough concept to comprehend and it takes a leap of faith to make the fundamental shift from Management by Results to Total Quality Leadership. There is no easy way to make the change. It seems best to us to use a gradual process of letting go from the old style while embracing the new. Mary Ann Gould, former president of Janbridge Corp. and the leader of the Philadelphia Area Council for Excellence, thinks of it as a revolution in thought, and an evolution in implementation.


Here are some of the key components of Total Quality Leadership

· In Total Quality Leadership, the focus is on constantly and rigorously improving every system.

· It asserts that work is not haphazard. It can be and must be studied, analyzed and scientifically dissected.

· It insists that processes must be standardized and that standardized procedures must be followed. Variation must be reduced in output and in the way things are done, yet the opportunity must be provided for everyone to contribute to improving the processes and to eliminating problems.

· It has a customer focus, an obsession with quality.

· It recognizes that there are both external customers and internal customers--other employees who depend on your work to be able to perform their jobs properly.

· It demands improved relations with suppliers, a true working partnership, which in most cases will require a single supplier for each item.

· It emphasizes process improvement rather than individual accountability.

· It requires that communication systems be adapted to the needs of the work, not to the needs of the hierarchy.

· It demands constancy of purpose throughout the organization, persistence in accord with a clear and widely understood vision. It is an environment that nurtures total commitment from all employees. Rewards go beyond simple benefits and salary to the belief we are family and we do good work.

On the other hand, Dr. Curt Reimann, Director of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award summarizes the characteristics of excellent leadership as follows ?

Visible, committed and knowledgeable. They promote the emphasis on quality and know the details and how well the company is doing. Personal involvement in education, training and recognition. Accessible to and routine contact with employees, customers and suppliers.

A missionary zeal. The leaders are trying to effect as much change as possible through their suppliers, through the government and through any other vehicle that promotes quality in the United States. Active in promotion or quality outside the company.

Aggressive targets. Doing beyond incremental improvements and looking at the possibility of making large gains. Getting the whole work force thinking about different processes?not just improving processes.

Strong drivers. Cycle time, zero defects, six, sigma or other targets to drive improvements. Clearly defined customer satisfaction and quality improvement objectives.

Communication of values. Effecting cultural change related to quality. Written policy, mission, guidelines and other documented statements of quality values, or other hales for clear and consistent communication.

Organization. Flat structures that allow more authority at lower levels. Empowering employees. Managers are coaches rather than bosses, Cross-functional management processes and focus on internal as well as external customers. Interdepartmental improvement team.

Customer contact. CEO and all senior managers are accessible to customers.


..1 Attitude And Involvement Of Top Management

It is axiomatic that organizations do not achieve quality objectives; people do If there is a big push for quality or a new program, each employee is justifiably skeptical. Thus, top managers need to be ambidextrous. They must balance the need for the structural dimension (e.g., hierarchy, budgets, plans, controls, procedures) on the one hand with the behavioral or, personnel dimension on the other. The two dimensions need not be in conflicts. The commitment and involvement of management need to he demonstrated and visible.

Many managers send mixed signals. They endorse quality but reward bottom line or production. They insist on cost reduction even if it means canceling quality training. Still worse, some executives perceive the workers to be the cause of their quality problems. This is hardly behavior that encourages individual involvement in decision-making and personal ownership of the improvement process. Employee buy?in is unlikely in such a climate, where worker empowerment is talked about but not put into practice.

.. Communication

Communication is inextricably linked in the quality process, yet some executives find it difficult to tell others about the plan in a way that will be understood. An additional difficulty is filtering. As top managements vision of quality gets filtered down through the ranks, the vision and the plan can lose both clarity and momentum. Thus, top management as well as managers and supervisors at all levels serve as translators and executors of top managements directive. The ability to communicate is a valuable skill at all levels, from front?line supervisor to CEO.

Quality conscious companies are interested in the cost of poor communication in terms of both employee productivity and customer perception of product and service quality. More important than what is written or said is the recipients perception of the message. Limited or inaccurate facts parceled out to employees may demoralize workers and lead to rumors.

· One can only communicate in terms of the recipients language and perception, and therefore the message must be in terms of individual experience and perception. If the employees perception of quality is do a better job.' or

· Keep the customer happy, it is unlikely that the message?of TQM will be understood. Measures of quality are needed to ensure agreement on the meaning of the message.

· Only the recipient can communicate?the communicator cannot. Thus, management systems (including training) should be designed from the point of view of the recipient and with a built?in mechanism for feedback. Feedback and thus the exchange of information should be based on some measure, target, benchmark, or standard.

· All information is encoded, and prior agreement must be reached on the moaning of the code. Quality must be carefully defined and measures agreed upon.

· Communication downward cannot work because it focuses on what we want to say. Communication should be upward.

· Employees, should be encouraged to set measurable goals.

These concepts of effective communication can provide a practical approach for communicating about quality in the organization. It only remains to encode the messages in terms of recipient understanding. The vehicles for communicating about quality are selected components of the TQM system

· Training and development for both managers and employees. Managers must understand the processes they manage as well as the basic concept of systems optimization Employee training should focus on the integration and appropriate use of statistical tools and problem solving methods.

· Participation at all levels in establishing benchmarks and measures of process quality. Involvement is both vertical in the hierarchy as well as horizontal by cross?functional teams.

· Empowerment .of employees by delegating authority to make decisions regarding process improvement within individual areas of its responsibility so that the individual owns the particular process step.

· Quality assurance in all organization processes, not only in manufacturing or operations but in business and supporting processes as well. The objective throughout is continuous improvement.

· Human resource management systems that facilitate contributions? at all levels (up and down. and across) the organizational chart.

.. Culture

Culture is the pattern of shared beliefs and values that provides the members of an organization with rules of behavior or accepted Norms for conducting operations. It is the philosophies, ideologies, values, assumptions, beliefs, expectations, attitudes, and norms that knit an organization together? and are shared by employees.

Successful organizations have a central core culture around which the rest of the company revolves. It is important for the organization to have a sound basis of core values into which management and other employees will be drawn. Without this central core, the energy of members of the organization will dissipate .as they develop plans, make decisions, communicate, and carry on operations without a fundamental criteria of relevance to guide them. This is particularly true in decisions related to quality. Research has shown that quality means different things to different people and levels in the organization. Employees tend to think like their peers and think differently from those at other levels. This suggests that organizations will have considerable difficulty in improving quality unless core values are embedded in the organization.

...1 Embedding a Culture of Quality

It is one thing for top management to state a commitment to quality but quite another for this commitment to be accepted or embedded in the company. The baste vehicle for embedding an organizational culture is a teaching process in which desired behaviors and activities are learned through experiences, symbols, and explicit behavior. Once again, the components of the total quality system provide the vehicles for change.

· Signaling. Making statements or taking actions that support the vision of quality, such as mission statements, creeds or charters directed toward customer satisfaction. Public supermarkets Where shopping is a pleasure and JC Penneys The customer is always right are examples of such statements.

· Focus. Every employee must know the mission, his or her part in it, and what has to be done to achieve it. What management pays attention t6 and how they react to crisis is indicative of this focus. When all functions and systems are aligned and when practice supports the culture, everyone is more likely, to support the vision. Johnson and Johnsons cool reaction to the Tylenol scare is such an example.

· Employee policies. These may be the clearest expression of culture, at least from the viewpoint of the employee. A culture of quality can be easily demonstrated in such policies as the reward anal promotion system, status symbols, and other human resource actions.


.4.1 CVA and Its Important Role

Quality conscious business units commission surveys to measure the level of satisfaction of their customers and the level of satisfaction of competitors customers. Survey results are used to manage the business at a fundamental level. They are a basis for decisions about

· Product selection

· Process improvement

· Employee compensation, particularly top management

.4. The Analysis of Survey Data

· General approaches

· Specific data analysis tools

· And software

To take survey results, mine the information in them, and produce valid estimates of customer perceptions of the company and its competitors, together with statements of uncertainty.

The principal vehicle for drawing conclusions from the surveys is a statistical model for the data that describes the variation in customers ratings as a function of 4 different measures of company performance, the companies (The company and its competitors),

the individual respondents in the survey and time. The model is quite complex because the variation in the ratings is complex. For example, different survey respondents use the rating scale differently; they position themselves at different places on the scale and they use up different amounts of the scale.

Visualization has also played an important role in analyses. First, display of the data has been vital to developing a statistical model that does a good job of describing the actual variation in the data. That is, by studying the structure of the data, we can be able to develop a realistic model. Second, visualization has played an important role in conveying the results. The results are complex, but the visualization tools allow ready comprehension of the important messages in the data.

.4. Search Tools Used in the Analysis

The complex process of sampling customers, surveying them, analyzing their responses, and then summarizing the results to convey the information to management is like a manufacturing line, requiring advanced information technologies and process improvement at all stages to provide valid characterizations of customer perceptions. A number of tools and systems invented in statistics and data mining research organizations play a major role in the analysis and summary

The company needs to adopt specific measures to be used in the project, both for analysis and presentation, that enables the company to understand its market position relative to its competitors for several customer satisfaction measures, and to see how its market position changes through time.

.4.4 Customer Value Analysis Defined

In customer value analysis (CVA), a company conducts sample surveys of its customers and of its competitors customers to determine the relative performance of the company on many attributes ranging from product quality and technology to pricing and sales support.

· Building the model and using it to form conclusions about CVA stimulated work on statistical theory, models, and methods

· Some specific theory of data exploration that provides an overall guide for methods used to explore data for the purpose of making decisions about model specifications;

· A reformulation of integrated moving-average processes into integrated sum-difference models, which enhances interpretation, model building, and computation of posterior distributions;

.4.5 Customer Value Analysis Is The Key to Competitive Advantage

Does customer satisfaction equate to customer loyalty? Not necessarily. Satisfying customers is no longer enough. To gain a strategic advantage in todays competitive environment, organizations must take customer satisfaction to the next level. The American Productivity & Quality Centers (APQC) recently completed consortium-benchmarking study, Customer Value Measurement Gaining Strategic Advantage. It reveals that the advantage goes to those organizations that track their performance compared with competitors on factors that drive purchase decisions instead of evaluating only product/service quality.

Companies succeed by providing superior customer value and value is simply quality, however the customer defines it, offered at the right price,

APQC worked with sponsoring organizations to scope the study, which focused on four areas

Developing and implementing a customer value analysis system, operationalizing customer value analysis, integrating customer value analysis into a strategic navigation system, and measuring the impact of customer value.

One finding of Customer Value Analysis is that the majority of best TQM practice organizations have shifted their focus from customer satisfaction to customer value. Customer value is strategically oriented, and customer satisfaction supplements this strategic view with a more immediate, tactical viewpoint of the marketplace.




· Provide clear directions?

· Give employees work that uses their skills, challenges their ability and intelligence?

· Ensure that work groups are harmonious?

· Provide promotional opportunities, interesting work?

· Give workers a voice in decisions that affect them?

· Create an environment that workers feel part of?


· What barriers and obstacles need to be overcome?

· What tasks can be done more efficiently?

· What might be dropped? Shortened? Simplified?

· Are employees unhappy about too much/little work?

· Can performance appraisal system be of use?


· Analyze objectives, problems, opportunities

· Decide what ought to be measured

· Define output/input measures

· Establish data collection system

· Analyze validity and usefulness


1. Dhillon, B.S., Engineering Management Concepts, Procedures and Models, Technomic Publishing Company, Lancaster, PA, USA, 187.

. Creech, Bill, The five pillars of TQM how to make total quality management work for you, Truman Talley Books/Dutton, Penguin books USA Inc., NY, NY, USA, 14.

. Capezio, Peter and Morehouse, Debra, Taking the mystery out of TQM a practical guide to total quality management, Career Press, Hawthorne, NJ, USA, 1.

4. Daft, Richard L., Management, Dryden Canada, Toronto, Canada, 1.

5. Deming, W. Edward, Out of Crisis, MIT-CAES, nd ed., 186.

6. The American Productivity and Quality Centre internet website, http//www.apqc.org/

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We do not give out your email address or any other personal information to anyone for any fish and 4,000 types of mollusk. But slowly and surely this is all dying. The cause of this is due to the impact of tourism. Tourism is the largest commercial activity in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, generating over A$844 million per year. The marine tourism industry is a major contributor to the local and Australian economy.


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Dust bowl

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on dust bowl. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality dust bowl paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in dust bowl, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your dust bowl paper at affordable prices!

Mike Leifer English

10-15-0 per. 7

Dust Bowl

Geography is a vital part in the development and prosperity of a culture. Sometimes, geography can play a positive role, such as rivers used for trade or irrigation. Other times, geography can be negative, such as the arid, dry, hot climate of deserts. In the case of the "Dust Bowl", geography exemplifies just how negative it can be.

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The dust bowl began in a period of time in the mid 10's that was already plagued by the depression. Farmers who were prosperous in the beginning stayed persistent with their farming. Then came the dust. The red cross issued dust masks, especially for children, to make breathing capable in the dusty air. The arid top soil that had been collected for over 1,000 years had been blown away in one gust of wind. Hundreds of acres of land were dead due to lack of moisture. A journalist who witnessed this atrocity labeled it the "Dust Bowl". Farmers obtained water from the windmills that struggled through the drought. Farmers persistently tried to survive on the lands they once took for granted.

The government began to issue relief checks to the farmers who were not able to survive in such a dry climate, which was completely unsuitable for farming. When the dust began to spread to Washington DC, a man named Hugh Bennett got his chance to express his conservation ideas. By 18, dust was reduced by 65%, and farmers began to realize the fragility of the land. The rain returned after a drought of almost 10 years, and crops began to grow again. This event in our history has shown the people not to take the land for granted, how to preserve what they have, and be hopeful toward the future.

Please note that this sample paper on dust bowl is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on dust bowl, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on dust bowl will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Wednesday, July 21, 2021

David hockney

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on david hockney. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality david hockney paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in david hockney, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your david hockney paper at affordable prices!

david hockney artist or illustrator ? David hockney is arguably the greatest living british artist for me. Hia art is by now so varied that it can hardly be summerised.to begin the breakdown of this study i intend to initially look at his swimming pool series done mainly in the 170s. Then his photomontages.

Hockney was fascinated with the formal and technical problems associated with the representation of transparent surfaces, particularly water. the colour in the sky is represented as blue in all of his works so very literal. The rivers however has its own motions and depths and distortions. The colour of the sky in the water is perceived as something quite different. Hockney experimented with different techniques to show this.

Hockney segments his work so that various focal points can be viewed. Each box has its onw individual point giving it more realistic motions. He compatmentalizes the movement of the diver. It tells a narative, the clear divide between each section immediatly tells a progressive story. Your eye is allowed to choose which way to read it. You can make your own logic out of the pictures he does. I personally think it is more artistic than graphic.

A painting that isnt as easy to say if it leans towards been more or less artistic is,A bigger splash done in 67.He deals with the waters surface very graphically. The diver is abcent from the picture but the evidence leads us to believe that a diver has just dived in to the pool, but without creating the rings of movement expected. This offering the viewer the chance to decide there own time in such a timeless painting. Although in apperance it seems graphically orientated, the theme and compostion make up for an artistic picture.

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Please note that this sample paper on david hockney is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on david hockney, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on david hockney will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Monday, July 19, 2021

Knowing the right people

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on knowing the right people. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality knowing the right people paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in knowing the right people, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your knowing the right people paper at affordable prices!

Knowing right or wrong is very important aspect of life. It may be knowing right people, things, places or situations. This knowing element will always help you, though it may not be the total winning aspect of life.

I believe that knowing the right people will always help you getting ahead in school or in work. For instance, in school or college we have some problem in any subject. Usually we don't know whom to approach. If were a kind of person who tries to know or interacts with people well, then this wouldn't be a big problem at all. We will know whom to approach to get it solved. Before making friends also it is very important to know them well. Good company will always enhance your personality.

Coming to work, it is important that you know your superiors and subordinates well. Knowing your superiors will give you a chance to express yourself well. By doing so they will be aware of your skills and give you task that you can do better then others. This will enhance your efficiency. Knowing right people is important but at the same time it is important that right people know you. At work if you are superior to a group of people, knowing them will help you in many ways. When you need to assign some job you will know who can accomplish the task in a better way. As a result the delegation of task becomes easier which results in positive outputs.

Taking into consideration of the above details, I wind up by preaching that knowing right people definitely helps a person. But at the same time, hard work, determination, discipline, confidence and intelligence also counts in getting ahead of others.

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Please note that this sample paper on knowing the right people is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on knowing the right people, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on knowing the right people will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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A route of evanescence

If you order your cheap custom paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on a route of evanescence. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality a route of evanescence paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in a route of evanescence, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your a route of evanescence paper at affordable prices cheap custom writing service!

Poem A Route of Evanescence Page 10

By Emily Dickinson

Paraphrase Dickinson describes a scene of something spinning quickly and leaving an Evanescent trail. A quick flash of green and red, and the blossoms on a bush adjust themselves as something rushes by quickly and effortlessly.

Imagery and Tone This poem talks very descriptively about something, but I am unable to pinpoint exactly what she is talking about. I imagine it being morning time and there being a sort of mist in the air, which causes a vaporous trail to follow behind a brightly colored object as it flashes by. Because it speaks of a revolving wheel, I would imagine it to be something of the nature of a car or a train, but I feel like it is something more natural than that because of the descriptiveness of the colors, emerald and cochineal. Whatever it is, it flashes by gracefully leaving a sort of trail behind it that is reminiscent of its beauty.

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Personal Response I hope to discover someday what the object is that is being described in this poem. I can see something like a butterfly brightly colored, but a butterfly couldn't flash past, and I don't understand the revolving wheel. I would imagine that wherever Tunis is that the mail travels quickly between there and wherever Dickinson was at the time she wrote this poem. It is an image that is very clear to me. I see her sitting in a window in the early morning and this brightly colored green and red object flashes by causing the bush to sway and all of the blooms to fall into new positions. It is a beautifully descriptive piece.

Please note that this sample paper on a route of evanescence is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on a route of evanescence, we are here to assist you. Your cheap college papers on a route of evanescence will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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